Holy Week

Only in Bolivia! Only in Bolivia could you, set up a projector ) projecting onto a bed sheet on a wall might add) a bug sound system, and some benches in a local park, and invite people of all ages, yes ALL ages, to watch the passion of the Christ! To be fair, there were some words from Irwin, and we ended up singing about 4 or 5 songs (which I'm sure was the highlight of the evening for everyone) so it wasn't just the passion. But still, film ratings officially do not excist here! They skiped various bits of the film and whilst skipping Emily turned to me and said, 'well at least it looks like the're skipping the bad bits' ohh no.. in fact, they were skipping to the bad bits! Regardless the turn out was superb and the evening was really powerful.

Easter Day...

Natalia egg painting

We had an Easter egg hunt around the house! Finally all that sweet sweet English chocolate we've been saving was Gorged! We invited Carmen, Irwin, Kevin, Johnathan and Natalia over to enjoy the treat with us and introduce them to cream eggs, which thankfully went down a storm.

After the hunt, the girls painted eggs, and the boys played a football match, in which I tried to do a 'Paolo Di Canio esque' volley, and failed epically, cutting my chip open in the process (the wound has only just healed by the way, if I were in England, a few stitches may have been adminitored... oh well).

Things are done very differently here. The attitude taken is a lot more, 'lets just do this today' rather than the, 'lets prepare our holy week programme months in advance and run all kinds of things' attitude taken at home. Fran would be tearing her hair out here...
There are positives and negatives to both, although Holy week came to an end in El Alto with me feeling that the church could've made more of it. Nevertheless, holy week 'Bolivian style' was a real treat.

A very happy lounge.. 

The Other Bits...

Recently we have also;

  • Visited La Paz's tourist street nicknamed 'Gingo alley' and felt somewhat annoyed at all the 'silly white tourists who didn't even know El Alto excisted'
  • Visited another church in El Alto that LL built 7 years ago. As per, we were invited to perform some songs, which we gladly did. 
  • Played volleyball bolivian style (and got thrashed) for Pastor Juan's birthday, as well as making him peach crumble and custard, which again went down well.   
A park at the edge of El Alto

The view of La Paz from the edge of El Alto 
On the road down rom La Paz

Thank you again for the continued support, and remember the LL website for team reports (link is on an earlier post)



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