So Here We Are

Well this is bizzare. The end. The actual end of my time in Peru with Latin Link. All the laughs, the cement mixing, and up's & down's of the past 4 months end tomorrow with a youth service in Spanish followed by a Quenchu service (although I don't think we have to go to that). So what have I learnt, how have I changed?
Well, I have a 6 hour flight, followed by a 3 hour wait in Miami, followed by a 9 hour flight next Monday, so I think I'll save the 'what I learnt' post till after that, as I should have plenty of time to collect my thoughts in my bordom.

So what is the real point of this post...

Well, I'm not too sure about that one. Allie had to go into hospital last night (please pray for her) and so my brian working on about 5 hours of sleep and is somewhat all over the place. So time to collect the thoughts and stop waffling.

Oh, We've Finished...

The end of times here in Urcos/Peru has been very different to that in Bolivia. Firstly, we are down 2 memebers as Allie is in hospital once more, but this time with probalems with her breathing, and Rachael is with her. Ending the project 2 down will feel a bit strange. But more than just that. In Bolivia we were so intergrated into the church family and made so many amazing friends, the last week was full of meals at people's houses amounts other things. Here however, we've been building a wall in a slightly sorry looking ex-clinic, and the only real chance we've had to build relationships is with Sonya (our lunchtime cook). Our last week has been construction as normal, and the same as any other. 
And yet, in a different way it has been just as special as Bolivia. 
Our team was close in Bolivia, but our times in Layo and here have been where we've spent the most time as a team. We've come up with our own entertainment, made stupid quizzes and hunts for Rach on her Birthday, and grown closer to God through our devotions. 
This week, we've pulled out the stops. This week, we've plaed 'Come Dine With Me'. For those who don't know, this is a programme where people take it in terns to host a dinner party for the others. They must have a theme, a menu, and entertainment for their guests. At the end of the evening the guests rate the whole time out of 10. 

Tuesday - Suzie & Allie hosted a 'World Themed' (slightly unimaginative if you ask me) evening. They were from Africa, Alex and I were Austrailians, Em and Rach were from India, and Rach and Manon were Quechua ladies (they performed a rendiction of a Quechua song which was hilarious).

Wednesday - This was the night everyone was waiting for: Alex and Jon's cave people night. Complete with the best entertainment ever. Thats right, we wrote a song about the team and went up on the balcony and sang it to everyone. 

Thursday - Em and Rach did a 'Mean Girls' theme. Interesting... Amazing food though, which gained them points.

And last night Manon and Rach did a beached themed evening, although thinking of it now, I'm not sure which part was beach themed... oh well. 

We've also made books for everyone, with a page for the other team members to write a draw a piece. At de-brief yesterday afternoon, we sat going through the highs and lows, the things we've learnt, and the funniest memories, with Roland and felt very nostalgic. Sure team Bo-ru won't have any emotional goodbyes, tears and gifts from our church family tomorrow. But we have each other, and it'll be we've hard to split next week, after the fun of Machu Picchu and Rafting...



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