First Things First

Right, seeing as this is post no.1, I have some more thanking to do...

This Sunday gone (24th) marked the end of stage 1 of the 'year of the gap' and before we commence stage 2 I feel stage 1 should get the proper attention it deserves.
As most of you reading this will I'm sure be aware, I've been spending stage 1 (that's the last time I'm using stages, honest..) in the more than pleasant company of those at Trull Church in Taunton. When I started my internship at Trull in September I had no idea whether I'd enjoy it or not, which aspects would get me going and which ones I would have to tolerate. To be honest, I had a very limited idea of how it would all shape up, I just knew that God has placed me there.

Six months down the line, I'm still somewhat amazed at how much someone (that someone being me of course..) can be taught, encouraged, challenged, and grown in such a short period of time. Every group I've been involved with, from babies/toddlers at Storybox, to the wonderful retired group at 12-2, have accepted me with a great warmth, as have the entire congregation, and for that (and for putting up with my slightly way ward singing from time to time whilst leading worship) I want to thank the whole extended church family at All Saints Trull and beyond.

There are six people who I would like to specifically thank for everything they've done for me this year. Firstly I'd like to thank David Sharp, whose tireless work for the church and superb teaching has not only filled so head and 'heart' space, but has left me a real example of someone who just loves to give his time and serve quietly and humbly. Now Mr Dr Rev A.Youings is a different prospect all together, standing loudly at the front of church pestering people for their money.. (only joking Adrian, I know you need it really). But joking aside, Adrian has taught me so much about the ins and outs of the bible, leadership qualities, and yes even a bit about sermons! I can't thank him enough for his care, support and hospitality. And of course the person I've worked with most this year, Fran. Fran has supported me and and given constant input when preparing (especially last minute) sessions, and has frequently chivvied me up for the next thing in the day, accompanied by a large dose of laughs. Children's worker Sam, (her name is just Sam, but I thought I'd include the title) is one of the hardest working people you'll meet, and is currently completing a MA as well as her job, honestly, I have no idea how! Which leaves Julie in the office, which is her full name and title.. Basically, the church (and Adrian) would fall apart without Julie, simple. 
Finally Dan Webb, who works for TYFC. I'll admit that sometimes Dan and I bring out the more childish attributes in each other, but we've had some real laughs and again he's taught me so much.

God has done so much this year, not only in my life, but in also in Trull and I'm sure he's got more up his sleeve for part 2. So thank you Trull for everything this year, Heatree and worship Monday were real highlights, and see you on July 15th for part 3...  

P.S for those faithful few who have waded through this poorly written, convoluted, essay of thanks, I applaud you for sticking out till the end.


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